
Food Industry


The cooperative Milcobel is the market leader in Belgium as a dairy cooperative, but is especially strong in Flanders. The entire group collects 1.6 billion liters of milk annually from dairy farmers with its fleet of 60 trucks, processes it, and markets the finished products.


Milcobel faced significant operational challenges with customer service management using personal inboxes. All customer communications were funneled into personal email inboxes, leading to issues with GDPR legislation once an agent was on leave on the one hand, and it was hard monitoring and improving customer contact te deliver a better customer experience towards customers on the other hand.


The integration of Tekst into Milcobel's customer service operations marked a turning point in managing shared inboxes and automated workflows. Tekst's platform was notable for its seamless implementation process, which did not disrupt the agents' existing way of working, but significantly optimized them.

The Tekst platform provided clear, concise dashboards that delivered crucial insights into customer interactions, enabling Milcobel to continuously refine their service offerings. With Tekst, Milcobel could now efficiently route emails based on customer and product requests, streamlining their response process and significantly enhancing operational efficiency.

The platform's connection with SAP further empowered Milcobel's automation flow to recognize products and retrieve correlated information.


Tekst has played a pivotal role in transforming Milcobel's customer service framework, particularly within their Outlook environment.

The platform's advanced features, such as critical path insights, and automated routing based on product, type of request, and customer info have not only streamlined Milcobel's service delivery but also deepened their understanding of customer expectations.

This strategic integration allows Milcobel to focus on what truly matters—delivering exceptional service and fostering improvements that resonate with their customer base.

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